Mom and Pop Hotels In Emerging Markets Tap Into Online Marketing

Private Sector Development Blog has a good post about World Hotel Link, a concept where small hoteliers in emerging markets use the internet to provide accomodations to first world travelers. The idea was that independent travellers in rich countries can connect to people owning bed and breakfasts and small hotels in emerging markets and make… Continue reading Mom and Pop Hotels In Emerging Markets Tap Into Online Marketing

Global Warming Links

I’ve got a few global warming links for you guys. First is this Yahoo News story of scientists predicting that trees will grow in Antarctica within the century. Next I’ve got this post on a venture capital blog that I thought was pretty interesting. As you know, more VC money has flowed into “green” technology… Continue reading Global Warming Links

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Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System

This press release about the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System was just slashdotted. UNESCO Director-General Koïchiro Matsuura announced that the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System is up and running as scheduled in an address to the Executive Council of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC) The organization is still working some kinks out of the system… Continue reading Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System

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Real Estate In New Orleans Booms

New Orleans’ real estate market is going through a boom, as prices rise to above pre-Katrina levels. However, according to this NYTimes article, the boom is being led by investors and speculators who are placing huge bets that property values will come back . The renewed interest in buying and selling and renovating has confounded… Continue reading Real Estate In New Orleans Booms

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Banish The Digital Divide!

That’s what YellowSheepRiver wants to do. They are all about selling low cost linux-based computers, according to this Wired story: YellowSheepRiver Municator is selling a new Linux-based desktop for about $150. Like Nicholas Negroponte’s One Laptop per Child project, makers of the Municator say they want to banish the digital divide. The article compares the… Continue reading Banish The Digital Divide!

Larry Ellison Bucks The Trend, Decides NOT To Give $115 Donation

This news wouldn’t get much coverage at another time, but because of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet’s recent announcements, Larry Ellison’s decision to renege on a $115 million gift to Harvard is getting healthy coverage. For a minute there, I thought that the charity trend would catch on with business leaders the way that driving… Continue reading Larry Ellison Bucks The Trend, Decides NOT To Give $115 Donation

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CentroMigante Wins Development Category at MIT Business Plan Competition

Catching up on my reading and saw a good post on CentroMigante winning the Development category at MIT’s Business Plan Competition. CentroMigrante combines developmental architecture with a self-help business model to offer a sustainable solution that provides clean, safe and affordable urban housing for impoverished, transient job seekers in developing countries. World Bank’s Private Sector… Continue reading CentroMigante Wins Development Category at MIT Business Plan Competition

Warren Buffett Gives Away Most of His Fortune To Charity

The news about Warren Buffett giving away most of his fortune to charity his the wires over the weekend. Here is an article from Yahoo News: Warren Buffett, the world’s second-richest person, is donating about $37 billion — more than 80 percent of his fortune — to foundations run by his friend Bill Gates and… Continue reading Warren Buffett Gives Away Most of His Fortune To Charity