I only have one link this weekend– The Linux Extremist raises some important questions about the distribution of the $100 laptop. (via digg) Nigeria is the easiest and most accessible example; they have placed the first order for 1 million of these laptops. However, it’s difficult to see what mechanisms are in place so that… Continue reading Weekend Links- Distribution of $100 Laptop
Author: john
Nigeria Says Yes To One Laptop Per Child, Orders 1 Million
Yesterday, things weren’t looking so good for Negroponte and his OLPC team, when India announced that they weren’t interested in the One Laptop Per Child computers. However, today vnunet is reporting that Nigeria just put in an order for one million machines. Production won’t start until five to ten million orders have been put in… Continue reading Nigeria Says Yes To One Laptop Per Child, Orders 1 Million
India Says No To One Laptop Per Child
The Times of India (via slashdot) reports that India has rejected the idea of OLPC: “India must not allow itself to be used for experimentation with children in this area,” the ministry has said. Indian leaders don’t believe that the ROI of such a project would be as good as other projects they can undertake:… Continue reading India Says No To One Laptop Per Child
One Laptop Per Child Project Discusses Human Powered Generator
Tech review has an article that features the human powered generator that will accompany the $100 laptop. The new generators, which will be field-tested beginning this October, abandon the bulky and inefficient hand-crank design featured on an early mock-up of the laptop in favor of a more compact off-laptop design that uses a pull string… Continue reading One Laptop Per Child Project Discusses Human Powered Generator
Weekend Global Warming Links
Wired News has an article about how warmer ocean temperatures are impacting ecosystems in the Pacific. The failure of last year’s Pacific upwelling killed seabirds from California to British Columbia. Scientists had hoped the change was just a natural temperature fluctuation in what is known as the California Current. But the return of higher ocean… Continue reading Weekend Global Warming Links
AT&T and Tech Philanthropy
Earlier today, AT&T announced that it would partner with MetroFi to provide free municipal wifi internet access. AT&T also announced that it will kick off a tech philanthropy campaign. AT&T has launched a three-year, $100 million program, called AT&T Access All, that aims to provide technology packages–including a new computer, printer and Internet access–to 50,000… Continue reading AT&T and Tech Philanthropy
Tech Review On Coal- Why aren’t we using better extraction methods?
Here is a long article from Technology Review about the state of coal as an energy source. Coal supplies 24 percent of all global energy and 40 percent of all electricity, and it spews more carbon than any other fossil source — kilowatt for kilowatt, twice as much as natural gas. Yet coal is the… Continue reading Tech Review On Coal- Why aren’t we using better extraction methods?
Massive Flooding In North Korea
The news is reporting that there are massive floods in North Korea. Two major storms over the past two weeks have drenched the impoverished North with some of its heaviest rains in years, severely damaging crops and raising the possibility of famine in a country that already battles chronic food shortages. This isn’t good considering… Continue reading Massive Flooding In North Korea
Tsunami Update- Death Toll at 327
Associated Press is reporting the death toll from the Indonesian Tsunami that struck the island of Java on Monday at 327. Yahoo News has a slideshow here.
Tsunami Hits Java
Yahoo News is reporting that a tsunami hit the island of Java today. Regional bulletins that the 7.7-magnitude undersea earthquake was strong enough to send a killer wave steaming toward the country worst hit by the 2004 Asian tsunami did not reach the victims, because Indonesia’s main island has no warning system. Worldchanging links to… Continue reading Tsunami Hits Java