This Wired article discusses how computers and the internet are changing the lives of homeless people. While people living in shelters and alleys have found it difficult to cross social divides, the digital divide seems to disappear on the streets. Nearly all homeless people have e-mail addresses, according to Michael Stoops, director of the National… Continue reading “Nearly all homeless people have e-mail addresses”
Author: john
U.S. Charitable Giving Rises 6%
From Businessweek: American contribution to philanthropies increased by 6.1% in 2005, according to the 2006 Giving USA report, released June 19. Nearly half of the additional funds were earmarked for relief for a host of natural disasters, most notably Gulf Coast hurricanes, as well as tsunami devastation in Southeast Asia and an earthquake in Pakistan.… Continue reading U.S. Charitable Giving Rises 6%
The Social ROI of Podcasting Technology
I like to spotlight organizations that use technology to improve society, and I can’t think of a more prototypical organization than The Conversations Network. I found this organization through WorldChanging. The Conversations Network is a non-profit online publisher of recorded lectures, conversations and interviews that include a wealth of worldchanging topics… Now partnered with the… Continue reading The Social ROI of Podcasting Technology
Using Nanotechnology to Desalinate Water
Some interesting news came out of Lawrence Livermore Labs recently that applies nnanotechnology to a desalinization process, making sea water safe to drink. A few articles already exist on this, so I’ll just link to them here. Lawrence Livermore Press Release: Nanotube membranes offer possibility of cheaper desalination Nanotechweb: Carbon nanotube membrane filters fast WorldChanging:… Continue reading Using Nanotechnology to Desalinate Water
In Depth Review of One Laptop Per Child
Check out WorldChanging’s in depth review on the One Laptop Per Child project. One of the most intriguing features of the prototype was the handcrank. Well, its missing from this latest iteration and WorldChanging explains: The one feature missing from the prototype I saw – the crank. It’s been clear – even before Kofi Annan… Continue reading In Depth Review of One Laptop Per Child
Muni Wifi In New York City
I spent an evening last week helping NYCWireless install wifi in Brooklyn Bridge Park. The process involved running a Covad DSL line from the basement of Smack Mellon, a nonprofit art organization, and setting up some additional equipment on the main floor, with antennae pointing out towards the park. So now you can take your… Continue reading Muni Wifi In New York City
Indonesia Earthquake- How to help
Linked from Worldchanging— Here is a great resource for those of you looking to find ways to help victims of the Indonesian earthquake in Java. ShelterFinder. If you guys have any other resources that I should link, please feel free to leave me a comment.
Flickr Photoset of $100 Laptop
If you’ve been following the story of Negroponte’s $100 Laptop Project, check out this really cool Flickr photoset of the first working prototypes.
Awards To Spur Social Innovation
WorldChanging reports that Kleiner Perkins, a top venture capital firm, is establishing a $100,000 prize for innovation in green technology. “This award will encourage innovation in sustainable, green growth,” said KPCB partner Brook Byers. “We will bring worldwide recognition to entrepreneurs who achieve breakthroughs in green energy generation, storage, conservation or policies, whether from an… Continue reading Awards To Spur Social Innovation
Spitzer Speaks Out About The Digital Divide In The United States
Eliot Spitzer, the New York State Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate, addressed the Digital Divide issue in the United States during his keynote speech at the the Personal Democracy Forum in New York. Eliot Spitzer outlined a proposal to provide affordable broadband to all citizens of New York. “In the 21st century, Internet access is… Continue reading Spitzer Speaks Out About The Digital Divide In The United States