Behavioral Economics Exploration Into Doing Good

Here’s some interesting weekend reading for you– The WSJ Blog points to research by Dan Ariely of MIT, Anat Bracha of Tel Aviv U, and Stephan Meier of the Fed on “how extrinsic incentives (such as cash or gifts) influence the effects of “image motivation” (looking good in public).” In one experiment they called “Click… Continue reading Behavioral Economics Exploration Into Doing Good

What Is Razoo? Social Networking For Changemakers

What is Razoo? Razoo is an online community that lets you create goals and groups for raising awareness and taking action for various causes. The site is currently in public beta. From Mashable , a blog about social networking. How did I hear about them? Through Omidyar Network, which is transitioning their community over to… Continue reading What Is Razoo? Social Networking For Changemakers

WSJ: A New Generation Reinvents Philanthropy

The Wall Street Journal offers a nice piece on web based tools to help make the world a better place: Young donors and volunteers, snubbing traditional appeals such as direct mail and phone calls, are satisfying their philanthropic urges on the Internet. They’re increasingly turning to blogs and social-networking Web sites, such as MySpace and… Continue reading WSJ: A New Generation Reinvents Philanthropy

Members Project Winner Announced: Children’s Safe Drinking Water

An American Express Members Project winner has been announced: Children’s Safe Drinking Water! Check out the video at Members Project. If you don’t want to watch the video, you can just go to the winner’s page. If you don’t feel like clicking anything, here’s the description for the winning project: Children’s Safe Drinking Water Description:… Continue reading Members Project Winner Announced: Children’s Safe Drinking Water

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Microfinance Reading- CGAP

Check out CGAP’s Portfolio newsletters for some great microfinance reading material and resources. CGAP is a consortium of 33 public and private development agencies working together to expand access to financial services for the poor in developing countries. CGAP was created by these aid agencies and industry leaders to help create permanent financial services for… Continue reading Microfinance Reading- CGAP Giving away up to $100,000 to help fund projects in hometowns

A Social ROI reader, Jess, writes: My name is Jess and I work with Hamburger Helper. My job is to spread the word about Hamburger Helper’s grant program, “My Hometown Helper.” I have been reading your blog and thought you might be interested. You have probably heard of Hamburger Helper (think, cheeseburger macaroni and the… Continue reading Giving away up to $100,000 to help fund projects in hometowns

Jobs: Ithaka Research Analyst

Ithaka Research Analyst New York, NY Ithaka promotes innovation in higher education by helping pioneering initiatives thrive. We also undertake projects to provide the academic community as a whole with new perspectives on our changing environment. Supported by the Mellon, Hewlett and Niarchos Foundations and affiliated with JSTOR and ARTstor, we are an entrepreneurially-minded organization… Continue reading Jobs: Ithaka Research Analyst

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