Members Project Winner Announced: Children’s Safe Drinking Water

An American Express Members Project winner has been announced: Children’s Safe Drinking Water!

Check out the video at Members Project. If you don’t want to watch the video, you can just go to the winner’s page. If you don’t feel like clicking anything, here’s the description for the winning project:

Children’s Safe Drinking Water

Description: For Two Cents We Can Change the World. Four thousand children die needlessly every day from drinking contaminated water. It’s a tragedy that hundreds of millions of people obtain their drinking water from polluted sources such as muddy rivers, ponds, and streams. This public health crisis can be addressed today through an innovative and low-cost technology that effectively purifies and cleans water while removing bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Right now millions of people in Africa, Asia, and the Americas are being reached by a not-for-profit project, but millions more are in need. Help us reach a goal of providing 2 billion liters of safe drinking water. For only two pennies a day a child can have safe drinking water. We’d love to hear your thoughts. In fact, Give Us Your Two Cents Worth. Thank you.

Fulfilling Organization: US Fund for UNICEF

Award: In addition to funding the winning project with $2,000,000, we are proud to announce American Express is donating a RECOGNITION AWARD of $100,000 to each of the organizations paired with the remaining 4 projects to be used in the spirit of the Cardmember’s idea.

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