Here’s a neat little event for those of you who are in the tri-state area: MIT Enterprise Forum of NYC presents University Technology and Entrepreneurship: Anatomy of Spin-outs Learn about the role area universities are playing in developing new technologies and fostering entrepreneurship. A panel of experts will discuss how ideas move from the Petri… Continue reading University Technology and Entrepreneurship: Anatomy of Spin-outs
Author: john
Muhammad Yunus, An Example of Drucker’s Principles
Weekend reading from Business Week on Muhammad Yunus’ new book: Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, who pioneered the concept of microcredit—providing the poorest of the poor with tiny loans to start their own moneymaking ventures—is promoting a new idea these days. He calls it “social business,” and in his just-released book, Creating a World… Continue reading Muhammad Yunus, An Example of Drucker’s Principles
MSN Partners With WhatOnEarthIsGoingOn- Cause Marketing
The portal doesn’t seem to be live yet. As cause marketing gains popularity, MSN aims to help it along. The company announced last week that it would partner with WhatOnEarthIsGoingOn to create an online community by which brands can connect with consumers through issues they find important. The portal will tap MSN’s existing user… Continue reading MSN Partners With WhatOnEarthIsGoingOn- Cause Marketing
Cellphone Recycling
I’ve written about cell phone recycling in the past so I felt it relevant to link to this lengthy New York Times Magazine article from last week on cell phone recycling. Some interesting companies mentioned in the article include: GreenPhone, Collective Good, and Recellular.
An Inspiring Article on Social Entrepreneurs From Davos
Nicholas Kristof pens this inspiring article about social entrepreneurs from Davos, Switzerland.
Attend a timely and thought-provoking introduction to the important changes underway as Microfinance comes of age.
Not sure if this is limited to Yale alums but sounds interesting: Microfinance lending institutions have traditionally been recognized for making small loans to the poor in developing countries a market considered too small, too expensive, and too risky for conventional lenders. Repayment rates, however, have been remarkably high, and over the last few decades… Continue reading Attend a timely and thought-provoking introduction to the important changes underway as Microfinance comes of age.
World Economic Forum- The Davos Question on Youtube
Also wanted to point you to this Youtube site– The Davos Question: What one thing do you think that countries, corporations, and indivuduals must to do make the world a better place in 2008? Link to Youtube.
Multinationals Fight Climate Change
Here’s an interesting little initiative that I just read about in the New York Times– it’s called the Carbon Disclosure Project and it involved 11 multinational corporations trying to address the issue of climate change: The companies in the program, called the Supply Chain Leadership Collaboration, include giants in their sectors like Cadbury Schweppes, Dell,… Continue reading Multinationals Fight Climate Change
Charity Gift Cards
The idea of charity gift cards has been around for a while but a major hurdle was the lack of legitimacy with regards to the authenticity of several of the outlets that are dabbling in this space. This New York Times article sheds some more light into charity gift cards and names a few of… Continue reading Charity Gift Cards Provides Guidance
DotOrg officials said they had decided to spend the money on five initiatives: disease and disaster prevention; improving the flow of information to hold governments accountable in community services; helping small and medium-size enterprises; developing renewable energy sources that are cheaper than coal; and investing in the commercialization of plug-in vehicles. Link to NYTimes article