“MicroPlace, [is] the world’s only online brokerage specializing in socially responsible investments that alleviate poverty. Today we are launching a nationwide campaign to help the everyday investor address poverty with as little as $100 – using the spare change that is laying around your house.” Link to press release
Category: General
Mosquito Nets Become Trendy
From NY Times: Donating $10 to buy a mosquito net to save an African child from malaria has become a hip way to show you care, especially for teenagers. The movement is like a modern version of the March of Dimes, created in 1938 to defeat polio, or like collecting pennies for Unicef on Halloween.… Continue reading Mosquito Nets Become Trendy
Google Links To Charities For Myanmar Disaster Relief
This is great and I hope they raise a lot of money
CharityBuzz: Lunch With Alan Greenspan
If you’re interested in lunch with Alan Greenspan, check out the CharityBuzz auction going on right now!
The Backlash Over Green Marketing Is Already Here
Seth Godin says that there will be a coming backlash over green marketing. He references a marketing campaign that says Tumi will plant trees if you buy a specific line of luggage. Also relevant is this story about “green” Barbie: The Ultimate Greenwashing: Barbie Goes Green. The fact that it’s so hard to quantify a… Continue reading The Backlash Over Green Marketing Is Already Here
boardnetUSA – revolutionizing the way nonprofit boards and new leaders find each other
boardnetUSA is a website that’s designed to be a marketplace where nonprofits looking to fill board seats can connect with individuals looking to serve on nonprofit boards. The Volunteer Consulting Group, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization in New York City with over 30 years of experience aiding in the development and strengthening of nonprofit organizations,… Continue reading boardnetUSA – revolutionizing the way nonprofit boards and new leaders find each other
Bags Make A Difference
Peep Laja writes: Hi guys, Something you might be interested in: A friend of mine is starting a social venture where she is helping to empower the indigenous women of Ngoble-Bugle (a tribe living in northern Panama) through giving them access to the world market by selling their amazing handicraft to the world. These women… Continue reading Bags Make A Difference
Two Data Points And Articles About Cause Marketing On Facebook
First is a blurb from Businessweek: Project Agape takes a different tack with its Causes application, which raises awareness and money for nonprofits and other causes. The service takes a 4% transaction fee on contributions raised through the application. Since launching nearly a year ago, the application has generated more than $2 million in donations.… Continue reading Two Data Points And Articles About Cause Marketing On Facebook
Public Schools Turning to Online Auctions To Raise Funds- Biddingforgood.com
Facing budget shortfalls that are squeezing education basics, more Massachusetts public schools are turning to online auctions this spring to raise money for supplies, field trips, library books, playground equipment, and computers. And they’re raking in from $6,000 to $20,000 in the process – more money than live or silent auctions generate at traditional fund-raisers.… Continue reading Public Schools Turning to Online Auctions To Raise Funds- Biddingforgood.com
Site Issues
Sorry, having some technical difficulties this morning but looks like the problems have cleared up.