If you’re interested in lunch with Alan Greenspan, check out the CharityBuzz auction going on right now!
Author: john
The Backlash Over Green Marketing Is Already Here
Seth Godin says that there will be a coming backlash over green marketing. He references a marketing campaign that says Tumi will plant trees if you buy a specific line of luggage. Also relevant is this story about “green” Barbie: The Ultimate Greenwashing: Barbie Goes Green. The fact that it’s so hard to quantify a… Continue reading The Backlash Over Green Marketing Is Already Here
Most Corporations Overlook Cost-Effective Opportunity to Unlock New Training and Development Resources
Here’s some new research from Deloitte on skills-based volunteerism: Many corporate CEOs say acquiring and developing the right talent is their number one challenge. So it’s not surprising that the business community invests heavily in it – upwards of $100 billion a year, according to the American Society of Training & Development. The new research… Continue reading Most Corporations Overlook Cost-Effective Opportunity to Unlock New Training and Development Resources
boardnetUSA – revolutionizing the way nonprofit boards and new leaders find each other
boardnetUSA is a website that’s designed to be a marketplace where nonprofits looking to fill board seats can connect with individuals looking to serve on nonprofit boards. The Volunteer Consulting Group, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization in New York City with over 30 years of experience aiding in the development and strengthening of nonprofit organizations,… Continue reading boardnetUSA – revolutionizing the way nonprofit boards and new leaders find each other
Bags Make A Difference
Peep Laja writes: Hi guys, Something you might be interested in: A friend of mine is starting a social venture where she is helping to empower the indigenous women of Ngoble-Bugle (a tribe living in northern Panama) through giving them access to the world market by selling their amazing handicraft to the world. These women… Continue reading Bags Make A Difference
Jobs: Executive Director, YouthBuild Public Charter School
The YouthBuild Public Charter School, a cutting-edge educational facility blending the widely acclaimed YouthBuild national service program with a service-oriented and non-traditional academic curriculum, seeks nominations and applications for their next Executive Director. YouthBuild Public Charter School (YouthBuild PCS) is one of the only bilingual alternative high school in Washington, D.C. and offers students ages… Continue reading Jobs: Executive Director, YouthBuild Public Charter School
Global Social Venture Competition Finals- Today
Global Social Venture Finals are today. Check out www.socialvc.net for details. Here’s the page if you want to see the teams in the finals Bio Power Technology- Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Indonesia BioVolt- MIT Sloan School of Management Build Your Own Village- Gordon Institute of Business Science, South Africa Defen Safety Syringe- National Chengchi University,… Continue reading Global Social Venture Competition Finals- Today
Two Data Points And Articles About Cause Marketing On Facebook
First is a blurb from Businessweek: Project Agape takes a different tack with its Causes application, which raises awareness and money for nonprofits and other causes. The service takes a 4% transaction fee on contributions raised through the application. Since launching nearly a year ago, the application has generated more than $2 million in donations.… Continue reading Two Data Points And Articles About Cause Marketing On Facebook
Another Affinity Search Engine: Ecocho
Here’s another affinity search engine, Ecocho, which basically take Google and Yahoo search feeds, gets a share of the advertising, and buys carbon offsets with some of that money. See our previous post on affinity search engines to get some background about this space. Here’s the review from TechCrunch.
Social Enterprise In The News
Link to article: When Tech Innovation Has a Social Mission Organizations mentioned: Mozilla TechSoup Benetech