I’ve written extensively about charity affinity search engines. These are search engines that attract users because they give a portion of their revenues to charity. Another one just landed on my radar– Everyclick.com is a search engine that is powered by Ask.com for both their paid listings (advertisements) and normal search listings.
everyclick allocates 50% of its gross revenue to charity each month. Each active charity receives a proportion of that sum equivalent to the proportion in which its supporters use the website relative to the supporters of other active charities. The activity of everyclick website users who do not select a specific charity will benefit all active charities on a pro rata basis.
All website activity by users is measured by reference to the number of searches that website users make – so every click really does count!
So everyclick gives 50% of its gross revenues to a charity of your choice. This is important to note. Everyclick is not a non-profit— they keep 50% of the gross revenues for themselves. They recently signed a deal with SideStep.com, a travel search engine, so business must be good.
Have you seen http://www.rectifi.org.uk ? It’s another UK search and shopping site but it donates 100% to charity rather than the 50% everyclick does as it is entirely volunteer run.
You may be intrested to know that Everyclick is much more than just a search engine; they are a complete fundraising platform with search, shopping, sponsorship, donate and eVouchers! 50% of their search revenue goes to charity and they currently represent all UK registered charities – over 200,000! They have raised over £540,000 for charity so far.