Spitzer Ties Increased School Budgets To Performance

The New York Times reports that Governor Eliot Spitzer has taken a page out of new school social enterprise philosophy and allocated more funds to the New York State education system but tied it to a performance-based system. Gov. Eliot Spitzer of New York said today that he would allocate more money to the state’s… Continue reading Spitzer Ties Increased School Budgets To Performance

Beginner’s Guide To Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)

I finally saved up a enough money where investing has become relevant to me. I know a bit about how the markets work, but I don’t know too much about Socially Responsible Investing (SRI). I’ll need a crash course, and for that, there is no better resource than Wikipedia. According to Wikipedia, Socially Responsible Investing… Continue reading Beginner’s Guide To Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)