The Financial Access Initiative and MicroSave invites you to a free virtual conference on Reimagining Microfinance Around the World

Portfolios of the Poor: How the World’s Poor Live on $2 a Day broadened our understanding of how the global poor manage their financial lives, but how do we take these lessons and transform them into real, on-the-ground solutions for economic development? The Financial Access Initiative and MicroSave invites you to a free virtual conference… Continue reading The Financial Access Initiative and MicroSave invites you to a free virtual conference on Reimagining Microfinance Around the World

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Twitter’s foray into social good efforts with the launch of Hope140

Last month saw the latest Twitter foray into social good efforts with the launch of the new Hope140 initiative. Its #EndMalaria campaign over the past week featured the TwitPay platform for donations, creating a new call to action for Hope140. Twitter users participated in World Malaria Day by retweeting and donating $10. The Case Foundation… Continue reading Twitter’s foray into social good efforts with the launch of Hope140

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Can the world’s richest man feed the planet?

Interesting article on Bill Gates: “Three-quarters of the world’s poorest people get their food and income by farming small plots of land,” Gates said. “So if we can make smallholder farming more productive and more profitable, we can have a massive impact on hunger and nutrition and poverty.” That’s exactly what the first Green Revolution… Continue reading Can the world’s richest man feed the planet?

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Bioneers 2009 Conference

It’s the 20th anniversary of the Bioneers Conference. This leading-edge forum on environment and social justice issues focuses on solutions inspired by nature and human ingenuity. Our goal is to turn education into action by connecting people with nature and each other. At this critical time in history we are asking for you to collaboratively… Continue reading Bioneers 2009 Conference

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Application process for the 2010-2011 Class of Acumen Fund Fellows is now open!

The application process for the 2010-2011 Class of Acumen Fund Fellows is now open! If you know exceptional individuals who should be part of our 2010-2011 class, we hope you will encourage them to apply. Please forward this email liberally throughout your networks so that we reach the strongest and most diverse candidate pool. Applications… Continue reading Application process for the 2010-2011 Class of Acumen Fund Fellows is now open!

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Congrats to Patrick Corvington on White House Nod!

Here’s the news via echoing green: Echoing Green would like to congratulate board member, Patrick Corvington, who, today, who was nominated by President Obama to the position of Chief Executive Officer at the Corporation for National and Community Service. For those of us in the world of social innovation, who have worked closely with Patrick… Continue reading Congrats to Patrick Corvington on White House Nod!

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2009 Social Enterprise Conference: From Vision to Practice

2009 Social Enterprise Conference From Vision to Practice Friday, October 9th 7:45 AM – 7:00 PM New York Columbia Business School’s Social Enterprise Program and International Development Clubs will host the 8th Annual Social Enterprise Conference. This year’s Conference, From vision to practice, will be held on Friday, October 9, 2009 at Lerner hall of… Continue reading 2009 Social Enterprise Conference: From Vision to Practice

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Microfinance India Summit 2009

Check out the annual Microfinance India Summit which acts as a global meeting ground for policy-makers, practitioners, promoters and researchers to delve into and address fundamental concerns related to microfinance in India. This year’s conference is being held from 26 to 28 October 2009 in New Delhi. ACCESS Development Services, a not-for-profit company based in… Continue reading Microfinance India Summit 2009

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Administrative news

In case you read this blog only through RSS, we decided to refresh the site.  Some content and links needed to be moved around. Please let me know if you spot any issues.  You can reach us via the contact form. Also, we’ve doing some refreshing in the office and have to give a shout… Continue reading Administrative news

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India’s First Social Enterprise and Investment Forum, Aims to Shape the Future of Inclusive Capitalism

More than 300 social entrepreneurs, a plethora of international and regional investors, funding agencies, corporate houses, and philanthropic organizations will come together on Tuesda, April 28, 2009 in Mumbai in an event that will change the landscape of social investing in India. Come and be a part of this landmark event! Sankalp (English: Pledge or… Continue reading India’s First Social Enterprise and Investment Forum, Aims to Shape the Future of Inclusive Capitalism

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