Lending In The Developing World– Gaining Scale and Reducing Costs with Technology

Interested in how technology can enable and improve credit lending in developing countries? Check out this conference next week: The International Finance Corporation and the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor, in collaboration with Visa International, are pleased to organize a global conference on “Next Generation Access to Finance: Gaining Scale and Reducing Costs with… Continue reading Lending In The Developing World– Gaining Scale and Reducing Costs with Technology

What Is Razoo? Social Networking For Changemakers

What is Razoo? Razoo is an online community that lets you create goals and groups for raising awareness and taking action for various causes. The site is currently in public beta. From Mashable , a blog about social networking. How did I hear about them? Through Omidyar Network, which is transitioning their community over to… Continue reading What Is Razoo? Social Networking For Changemakers

Earth2Tech- New Blog About Technology, Innovation, and Climate Change

There’s a new blog on our radar– To put it cogently, Earth2Tech is a blog that covers green tech. The new blog published by the Gigaom team was covered in this weekend’s New York Times. The blog is “devoted to the business of clean technologies, its innovations and everything else,” he explained on his main… Continue reading Earth2Tech- New Blog About Technology, Innovation, and Climate Change

Weekend Reading: Small Companies That Try to Bring Innovative Technology to Teaching

“A revolution is needed in education — students exist in a world where technology is pervasive but classroom teaching hasn’t basically changed in 50 years,” said Mona Westhaver, a founder of Inspiration Software, a Portland area firm that developed a visual learning system for kindergarten through 12th grade. Link to NY Times.

Zerofootprint Fights Global Warming Through Technology And Innovation

Zerofootprint is a non-profit that “combines the best financial engineering, environmental engineering, social networking tools and business intelligence to create products and services that help large corporations, organizations and individuals significantly reduce their environmental footprint.” Zerofootprint sells carbon offsets and also raises awareness about Global Warming by leveraging technology. They offer widgets, white-label web solutions,… Continue reading Zerofootprint Fights Global Warming Through Technology And Innovation

Google Earth Used To Raise Environmental Awareness

Mary Ann Hitt, executive director of nonprofit Appalachian Voices, said a collective of grassroots organizations is using 3D maps in Google Earth to show how millions of acres of Appalachian Mountains across four states have been destroyed by mining companies. Link to article.